Germany Map Austria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Malta Netherlands Norway Portugal Slovenia Spain Sweden Turkey United Kingdom Part One | Professional recognition in your country 1.1. Which organisation recognises doctors eligible to practice in your country? In case your country has more then one organisation which can provide professional recognition, please attach to this survey a simple list of names and websites where we can acquire more information. The State Chambers of Physicians (Landesärztekammern) are responsible for postgraduate medical training, the recognition of postgraduate training done abroad and the recognition of foreign medical specialist diplomas. Each German State (Bundesland) has one State Chamber of Physicians with the exception of North Rhine-Westphalia where there are two (please see attached list). For each physician only the regulations for postgraduate medical training issued by the State Chamber of Physicians where he/she is a member are legally binding.(Stand: September 2022) Baden-WürttembergRegierungspräsidium StuttgartLandesprüfungsamt und Anerkennungsstelle für GesundheitsberufeRuppmannstr. 2170565 StuttgartTel.: +49-(0)711-9040E-Mail: info.anerkennung@rps.bwl.deInternet: BayernRegierung von OberbayernSachgebiet 55.3 – Rechtsfragen GesundheitsberufeMaximilianstr. 3980538 MünchenTel.: +49-(0)89-21762634E-Mail: Regierung von UnterfrankenRechtsfragen Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz, WeinprüfstellePeterplatz 997070 WürzburgTel.: +49-(0)931-3801768E-Mail: Die Regierung von Unterfranken ist nur für Ärzte mit Abschlüssen aus dem Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum/Schweiz zuständig. Ärzte mit einem Diplom aus einem Staat außerhalb des EWR/Schweiz müssen sich an die Regierung von Oberbayern wenden. BerlinLandesamt für Gesundheit und SozialesLandesprüfungsamt für GesundheitsberufeTurmstr. 2110559 BerlinTel.: +49-(0)30-902290 E-Mail: BrandenburgLandesamt für Arbeitsschutz, Verbraucherschutz und GesundheitAbteilung GesundheitDezernat G1Großbeerenstr. 181-18314482 PotsdamTel.: +49-(0)331-8683791E-Mail: AHB@lavg.brandenburg.deInternet: BremenFreie Hansestadt BremenDie Senatorin für Gesundheit, Frauen und VerbraucherschutzContrescarpe 7228195 BremenTel.: +40-(0)421-3619554E-Mail: heike.ver@gesundheit.bremen.deInternet: HamburgFreie und Hansestadt HamburgSozialbehörde, Amt für GesundheitLandesprüfungsamt für HeilberufeBillstr. 8020539 HamburgTel.: +49-(0)40-428373796E-Mail: HessenRegierungspräsidium GießenHessisches Landesprüfungs- und Untersuchungsamt im GesundheitswesenLurgiallee 1060439 Frankfurt a. M.Tel: +49-(0)69-5800130E-Mail: poststelle@hlpug.hessen.deInternet: Mecklenburg-VorpommernLandesamt für Gesundheit und SozialesLandesprüfungsamt für HeilberufeFriedrich-Engels-Platz 5-818055 RostockTel.: +49-(0)381-33159108E-Mail: NiedersachsenNiedersächsischer Zweckverband zur ApprobationserteilungAbteilung 1Nobelring 430627 HannoverTel.: +49-(0)511-89729222E-Mail: abteilung1@nizza.niedersachsen.deInternet: Nordrhein-WestfalenBezirksregierung MünsterZentrale Anerkennungsstelle für approbierte Heilberufe (ZAG-aH)Domplatz 1-348143 MünsterTel.: 0251-4112400E-Mail: Rheinland-PfalzLandesamt für Soziales, Jugend und VersorgungReferat 53.1Baedekerstr. 2-2056073 KoblenzTel.: +49-(0)261-4041245E-Mail: anerkennung-arzt@lsjv.rlp.deInternet: SaarlandLandesamt für SozialesZentralstelle für Gesundheitsberufe / LandesprüfungsamtHochstr. 6766115 SaarbrückenTel.: +49-(0)681-99784304E-Mail: SachsenLandesdirektion SachsenDienststelle DresdenReferat 22Stauffenbergallee 201099 DresdenTel.: +49-(0)351-825-0E-Mail: gert.schiedewitz@lds.sachsen.deInternet: Sachsen-AnhaltLandesverwaltungsamt Sachsen-AnhaltLandesprüfungsamt für Gesundheitsberufe /Referat 507Maxim-Gorki-Str. 706114 HalleTel.: +49-(0)345-5143268E-Mail: lpa.gesundheitsberufe@lvwa.sachsen-anhalt.deInternet: Schleswig-HolsteinLandesamt für soziale DiensteDezernat GesundheitsberufeGartenstr. 2424534 NeumünsterTel.: +49-(0)4321-9135E-Mail: anerkennung-gesundheit@lasd.landsh.deInternet: ThüringenThüringer LandesverwaltungsamtLandesprüfungsamt für akademische HeilberufeJorge-Semprún-Platz 499423 WeimarTel.: +49-(0)361-57100E-Mail: approbation.erlaubnis@tlvwa.thueringen.deInternet: 1.2. What requirements/documents are necessary for a foreign doctor to practice medicine? i.e. language skills, medical degree, insurance, immigration status. A basic medical training completed successfully in a member state of the European Union will, on request, be automatically recognised in Germany provided that the qualification is listed in the European Directive on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications (2005/36/EC, Annex V No. 5.1.1), that the minimum criteria of the directive are met and that the basic medical training had been started after the specified reference date. As the EU has passed corresponding treaties with Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland, similar rules apply for diplomas from these countries.Furthermore foreign physicians have to have an adequate knowledge of the German language. Basically, all registration authority demand the level B2 for general German and the level C1 for medical German. It is important to note that the physician has to contact the registration authority responsible for the geographic area in which he/she wants to work in order to find out which language certificates are acceptable. There are some other requirements (e.g. health requirements, no criminal record) which also need to be fulfilled in order to obtain full registration (Approbation).Further information and the list of documents are posted on the websites of the registration authorities. 1.3. Are there any application deadlines (if so, when)? Furthermore, how long does the professional recognition procedure usually take? There are no deadlines. The recognition process should be completed within 3 months after the registration authority received all necessary documents. For those physicians who do not fall under the automatic recognition system of the Directive 2005/36/EC the process can last up to 4 months after a complete application has been handed in. Further information is posted on the websites of the registration authorities 1.4. Are there any sort of examinations/interviews to apply for Medical Professional Recognition? No. (Only if the physician falls under the general system of recognition of the Directive 2005/36/EC and substantial differences in the basic medical education have been detected which could not be compensated, the physician has to pass an aptitude exam. These are rather exceptional cases.) For information on language requirements please refer to question 1.2. 1.5.1. What kind of professional medical degrees are there in your country? Physician (Arzt/Ärztin)Specialist Physician (Facharzt/Fachärztin) 1.5.2. How do you access each degree? After graduation from medical university in Germany junior doctors can do their postgraduate training. With the completion of postgraduate training (including the specialist exam) the physician becomes a specialist physician. Further information can be found on the websites of the State Chamber of Physicians. Part Two | Training in your country 2.1. Which organisation is responsible for medical training in your country? In case your country has more than one organisation with this function, please attach to this survey a simple list of names and websites where we can acquire more information. In Germany 17 registration authorities exist. Each registration authority is competent for a specific region. Physicians have to contact the registration authority in the region they want to work. Contact Data: Adressen der Approbationsbehörden (Stand: September 2022) Baden-Württemberg Landesärztekammer Baden-WürttembergJahnstraße 4070597 StuttgartTel.: +49 (0)711-769890Fax: +49 (0)711-7698950E-Mail: info@laek-bw.deInternet: Bayern Bayerische LandesärztekammerMühlbaurstraße 1681677 MünchenTel.: +49 (0)89-41470Fax: +49 (0)89-4147280E-Mail: info@blaek.deInternet: Berlin Ärztekammer BerlinFriedrichstr. 1610969 BerlinTel.: +49 (0)30-408060Fax: +49 (0)30-408063499E-Mail: kammer@aekb.deInternet: Brandenburg Landesärztekammer Brandenburg Geschäftsstelle CottbusDreifertstraße 1203044 CottbusTel.: +49 (0)355-780100Fax: +49 (0)355-78010369E-Mail: post@laekb.deInternet: Geschäftsstelle PotsdamPappelallee 514469 PotsdamTel.: +49 (0)331-505605760Fax: +49 (0)331-505605769E-Mail: post@laekb.deInternet: Bremen Ärztekammer BremenSchwachhauser Heerstraße 3028209 BremenTel.: +49 (0)421-3404200Fax: +49 (0)421-3404209E-Mail: info@aekhb.deInternet: Hamburg Ärztekammer HamburgWeidestr. 122 b22083 HamburgTel.: +49 (0)40-2022990Fax: +49 (0)40-202299400Email: Internet: Hessen Landesärztekammer HessenHanauer Landstr. 15260314 Frankfurt am MainTel.: +49 (0)69-976720Fax: +49 (0)69-97672128E-Mail: info@laekh.deInternet: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Ärztekammer Mecklenburg-VorpommernAugust-Bebel-Str. 9a18055 RostockTel.: +49 (0)381-492800Fax: +49 (0)381-4928080E-Mail: info@aek-mv.deInternet: Niedersachsen Ärztekammer NiedersachsenKarl-Wiechert-Allee 18-2230625 HannoverTel.: +49 (0)511-38002Fax: +49 (0)511-3802240E-Mail: info@aekn.deInternet: Nordrhein-Westfalen Ärztekammer NordrheinTersteegenstr. 940474 DüsseldorfTel.: +49 (0)211-43020Fax: +49 (0)211-43022009E-Mail: aerztekammer@aekno.deInternet: Ärztekammer Westfalen-LippeGartenstraße 210-21448147 MünsterTel.: +49 (0)251-9290Fax: +49 (0)251-9292999E-Mail: posteingang@aekwl.deInternet: Rheinland-Pfalz Landesärztekammer Rheinland-PfalzDeutschhausplatz 355116 MainzTel.: +49 (0)6131-288220Fax: +49 (0)6131-2882288E-Mail: kammer@laek-rlp.deInternet: Saarland Ärztekammer des SaarlandesFaktoreistr. 466111 SaarbrückenTel.: +49 ((0)681-40030Fax: +49 (0)681-4003340E-Mail: info-aeks@aeksaar.deInternet: Sachsen Sächsische LandesärztekammerSchützenhöhe 1601099 DresdenTel.: +49 (0)351-82670Fax: +49 (0)351-8267412E-Mail: info@slaek.deInternet: Sachsen-Anhalt Ärztekammer Sachsen-AnhaltDoctor-Eisenbart-Ring 239120 MagdeburgTel.: +49 (0)391-60546Fax: +49 (0)391-60547000E-Mail info@aeksa.deInternet: Schleswig-Holstein Ärztekammer Schleswig-HolsteinBismarckallee 8-1223795 Bad SegebergTel.: +49 (0)4551-8030Fax: +49 (0)4551-803188E-Mail: info@aeksh.deInternet: Thüringen Landesärztekammer ThüringenIm Semmicht 3307751 Jena-MauaTel.: +49 (0)3641-6140Fax: +49 (0)3641-614169E-Mail: verwaltung@laek-thueringen.deInternet: www.laek-thueringen.d 2.2. Besides professional recognition, is there any other requirement for a doctor to start his training/begin to work (i.e. examination, clerkship, internship)? Namely, which documents/examinations are necessary when applying for training/job? There are no examination, clerkship, internship etc. However, all doctors need to register with the State Chamber of Physicians in which jurisdiction they work. 2.2.1. Where are training positions advertised? Employment ads may be found e.g. in the following media:Marburger Bund: Ärzteblatt: www.aerzteblatt.deWebsites of hospitalsFederal Employment Agency/International and Specialized Services: 2.3. Are there any application deadlines (if so, which)? There are no general deadlines. Individual job advertisements often have a specific deadline. 2.4. How do applicants choose what and where they would like to train? It is the individual choice of the physician in which speciality and in which region he/she applies for a position. However, there is no guarantee that the applicant gets the desired position. In such a case he/she needs to look for an alternative. 2.5. Is there a fee/tuition for attending a training programme? No. 2.6. Do trainees receive a salary during training? Yes, physicians are employees during their postgraduate training and receive a salary. 2.6.1. Moreover, what is the current salary and is overtime paid? Monthly gross salaries for a 40-hour-week: Physician: 4,852.02 € (1st year) - 6,236.95 € (6th year) Specialist Physician 6,403.90 € (1st year) - 8,224.22 € (13th year onwards) There are different collective agreements for different types of hospitals (e.g. hospitals run by the state, hospitals run by local authorities, private hospitals). Therefore, the salaries and other working conditions vary slightly. The above figures refer to the collective agreement of the communal hospitals. According to all our collective agreements overtime has to be compensated. Unfortunately, this does not always happen automatically. Members of the Marburger Bund who work overtime and do not get an adequate compensation should contact the Marburger Bund. 2.6.2. What type of contracts are there? How long are the working and on-calls times? There are unlimited and fixed-term positions. Most training positions are fixed-term. The regular weekly working time is 40-42 hours (collective agreement for communal and university hospitals). The average weekly working time including on-call time can be up to 58 hours (collective agreement for communal and university hospitals). 2.6.3. Are sick leave, vacation days, maternity leave, voluntary work allowed and do they entail a reduction of salary? Employed physicians who are sick receive their full salary for up to 6 weeks. Afterwards they might receive sick pay from the health insurance (depending on the insurance contract) for up to 78 weeks and a possible allowance from their employer for up to a maximum of 39 weeks. 30-31 days of paid holidays are granted (collective agreement for university hospitals and communal hospitals). In general female employees have 14 weeks of paid maternity leave (six weeks before giving birth and 8 weeks after giving birth). For some sort of voluntary work (e.g. work in the Chamber of Physicians) physicians can be released partly from their work while being paid. For more information please refer to the specific health insurance and the collective agreement which is applicable.Information on maternity leave: Information on parental leave and parental money: of the Marburger Bund get free advice on these issues from their Marburger Bund State Association. 2.7. In general terms, how is the training assessment done? i.e. exams, evaluations, interviews, appraisal Part Three | Other details about training/working in your country 3.1. Is mobility possible inside and outside the country during your training? 3.2. How many trainees are there in your country? Divided, if possible, by in each speciality. On the federal level no data is available. For specific information please refer to the State Chamber of Physicians. 3.3. What are the success, training drop-out and post-training employment rates? On the federal level no data is available. Information on the State level might be available from the State Chamber of Physicians. 3.4. Is there an accreditation procedure for training centres (and do they include visitations)? Yes. Hospitals, practices and other places need to be accredited by the State Chamber of Physicians in order to be able to offer postgraduate training. Evaluations are conducted by the State Chamber of Physicians. For further information please contact the State Chambers of Physicians. 3.5. Is there any national recertification/revalidation scheme to practice? There is no recertification process in general but specialist physicians are obliged to earn 250 credit points of continuous medical education within each five-year-period during their professional life. For further information please contact the State Chambers of Physicians. 3.6. Are there any differences in the application procedure according to the country of origin of a trainee? No. 3.7.1. Are there any restrictions for a foreign doctor who is undergoing training in your country to work there afterwards? No. 3.7.2. Moreover, is it possible for a trainee undergoing training in another EU/EEA country to do part of his training in your country? If so, what are the necessary requirements/documents? The physician needs to apply for full registration (Approbation). He/she has to contact the registration authority in the region she/he wants to work. For further information please refer to point 1.2 and 2.2 of this questionnaire. 3.8. Please summarise the general timeline between the time where a doctor has just graduated until he has attained a final senior post as an independent medical doctor. In other words, please describe, in general terms, the training of a junior doctor in your country. Minimum training times ranges from 4-6 years. However, there are only a few specialties where the minimum training time is 4 years. In most specialties it is 5 to 6 years. Furthermore, minimum training times are often exceeded for various reasons. A specialist physician can move further up the hierarchy in the hospital if he/she takes on additional responsibilities, becomes Vice-Head of the Department or Chief of the Department. In these cases the salary also increases. 3.9. Is it compulsory to have malpractice (or any other) insurance? Yes. The Marburger Bund offers its members further advice on this issue. 3.10. What is the general perspective/position on immigration of medical trainees to your country? 3.11. What is the general perspective/position on emigration of medical trainees to foreign countries? For many physicians work experiences gained abroad is a professional and personal enrichment and employers (in general) also value such experience. The Marburger Bund advises members who wish to work in other countries. Once a year we conduct a special seminar on this issue. 3.12. Are there any restrictions in your country to comply with the consolidated version of EU 2005/36? The European Commission has pointed out that it is an unacceptable practice if a country accepts only language qualification issued by certain types of institutions. The fact that in 13 States foreign-trained physicians have to sit a specific language exam conducted by the State Chamber of Physician is a controversial issue. 3.13. Which organisation(s) specialise in assisting doctors in legal and work matters? i.e. trade unions, medical chambers, other organizations. The Marburger Bund is the only trade union for physicians in Germany. We offer free legal advice in all matters pertaining to labour law (e.g. examination of working contracts, enforcement of compensation for overtime, maternity and parental regulations). We also represent our members in the labour court if necessary. However, the range of services of the Marburger Bund reaches far beyond this offer. You’ll find more details on the advantages of a membership in the Marburger Bund under: 3.14. Is there any other information you consider relevant with regard to this subject? If the basic medical training in the country of training consists of medical studies and an obligatory practical phase (e.g. Foundation Year, Internship, Staz) we highly recommend that the physician only comes to Germany after he/she has completed this practical phase. Otherwise the competent registration authority will conclude that the basic medical training is incomplete. Please note that it is extremely difficult to integrate into the German system with an incomplete basic medical training. The Marburger Bund has posted detailed information for foreign physicians (with qualifications from EEA-countries/Switzerland and non EEA-countries) who wish to work in Germany on its website: