European Union of Medical Specialists
The European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) is a Brussels-based non-governmental organisation representing National Associations of Medical Specialists in the European Union and in associated countries. Since its creation in 1958, the UEMS’s ambition is to promote patient safety and the quality of care through the development of the highest standards of medical training and health care across Europe.
Main aims
With the support of its membership, the UEMS is committed to the promotion of free movement of European medical specialists while ensuring the highest quality of medical care for European citizens.
UEMS develops standards and policies in the key areas of:
- Postgraduate training
- continuing medical education and professional development
- quality assurance in specialist practice
These principles serve as recommendations to encourage decision-makers as well as healthcare professionals to ensure appropriate mechanisms for safe specialist medical care across Europe.
Countries Represented
With a current membership of 37 countries the UEMS brings together approximately 1.6 million medical specialists in Europe. The UEMS members are National Associations of Medical Specialists.
The UEMS represents National Associations of Medical Specialists and more than 50 medical disciplines through various bodies and structures. The most important ones are the 43 Specialist Sections, which represent independently recognised specialties. The Sections created a European Boards in cooperation with the relevant European Scientific Societies, with a goal to define European standards of medical education and training. They also contribute to the work of 10 Multidisciplinary Joint Committees (MJC) which address areas of a multidisciplinary specialist practice.
History of the organisation
UEMS has been active at the European level since 1958 in order to promote the free movement of European medical specialists while ensuring the highest quality of medical care for European citizens.
Main Achievements:
- The UEMS Council has adopted several recommendations, charters, policy statements and position papers with regard to specialist medical practice[1]
- The UEMS Sections and Boards developed medical standards, recommendations and curricula in their respective specialties. They also organise European Specialist
The EACCME® is responsible for accreditation of CME events organised in Europe, granting European CME credits to participants of accredited events. Through agreements with American Medical Association and Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, European Credits are recognized in United States and Canada.
- The ECAMSQ® was created with the aim to create a European platform for training and assessment of European medical specialists. In 2011, pan-european knowledge assessments were successfully organised[2] and a second phase of the pilot test will continue over 2012.
24 Rue de l'Industrie
1040 Brussels - Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)2 649 51 64
Fax: +32 (0)2 640 37 30
[1] - The UEMS Charter on CME; Charter on Quality Assurance in Medical Specialist Practice; Charter on the Visitation of Training Centres; Charter on Continuing Professional Development - Basel Declaration;Declaration on Promoting Good Medical Care; The Budapest Declaration on Ensuring the Quality of Medical Care; Policy Statement on Assessments during Postgraduate Medical Training Specialist Sections:
[2] See UEMS Press Release 2011/02