European Council of Medical Orders
European Council of Medical Orders
Main aims
The purpose of the CEOM is to promote within the European Union and the European Free Trade Association the practice of high quality medicine respectful of patients’ needs.
To this end, the CEOM develops cooperation between its Participating organisations and lends support to their action by developing quality standards and common positions relating to: medical ethics and professional conduct
- free movement of healthcare professionals
- medical demography
- medical regulation
- professional training of physicians
- public health issues related to these subjects
Participating organisations
The CEOM brings together the Medical Councils and the independent medical regulatory authorities of European Union Member States and the European Free Trade Association responsible for either, ethics and professional conduct, registration or licensing procedures, disciplinary matters regarding physicians, recognition of qualifications and levels of specialty, authorization to practice and setting of professional standards.
A list of the participating organisations is available on the CEOM website.
History of the organization
The International Conference of the Orders and the organizations with similar attributions (CIO) was created in Paris in 1971, on the initiative of Professor LORTAT-JACOB, President of the French Medical Council, and by the Doctors BROCARD and AUTIN, General secretaries of the French Medical Council. The CIO became then the European Conference of the Orders of the Doctors. In 2008, the Conference is renamed European Council of Medical Orders (ECMO-CEOM).
Functioning of the CEOM
In accordance with the CEOM Agreement adopted in June 2011, the CEOM Board is in charge of the CEOM’s daily activity and the coordination of its work. The Board comprises the President, the First Vice-President, three Vice-Presidents and a Secretary General, all elected for a three year term. The Board is assisted by its Secretariat in the fulfillment of its missions. The Secretariat function is provided by the French Medical Council.
The CEOM holds two plenary meetings each year.
CEOM Secretariat
Tel: +32 2 401 61 59