TMA Junior Doctor Assembly - Ankara
On 16 May 2015, assistant doctors from all over Turkey met in the Grand Gathering of Assistant Doctors organized by TMA’s Branch of Young Specialists. Participants from various provinces improvised their daily life problems through a forum theatre.
TMA Junior Doctor Assembly - Ankara
On 16 May 2015, assistant doctors from all over Turkey met in the Grand Gathering of Assistant Doctors organized by TMA’s Branch of Young Specialists. Participants from various provinces improvised their daily life problems through a forum theatre. As an experience as realistic and striking as it is fun this activity once more exposed the working and living conditions of assistant doctors. Acting assistants displayed facts about their working hours, anger stemming from being left alone with patients and their companies in policlinics, feeling of desperation, lack of communication with academic staff and colleagues, and exhaustion after tiring and sleepless work. Following this activity, Carsten Mohrhardt, President of the European Junior Doctors was together with assistant doctors in a warm and sincere environment conveying them the experience of other assistant doctors in Europe facing similar problems.
Then, in the context of the award ceremony “looking for an academic who indeed teaches”, academicians who satisfied the criteria set by the branch of Young Specialists and nominated were given their awards. Raşit Tükel, who was not appointed as the President of İstanbul University although having been elected to this post, was given the “My President is Raşit Tükel” award and participants acknowledged his contribution to the straggle for autonomous and democratic university. In that part of the activity allocated to “Resisting Assistant Speeches” information was given about the actions of assistant doctors in various universities and hospitals by the leaders of these actions. What these speeches had in common was the message “We win if we act together”. In the last part of the activity, participating assistant doctors were briefed by the existing stands in the area including “violence”, “against mobbing”, “law” and “health services free of gender prejudices”. The activity was concluded with concerts by the groups “Pilli Bebek” and “Son Dört”.
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