EJD-WHO co-creation workshop on Medical Workforce in Europe

The European Junior Doctors Association and the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (WHO-Europe) hosted a 2-day meeting in the Danish capital city, Copenhagen on 12-13 of October 2023, with 22 participants - representatives of junior doctors' associations from 13 countries, as well as European Medical Organizations, to discuss the critical challenges currently facing junior doctors, including
- working conditions
- problems with staff retention
- optimizing work through better understanding of health care financing & digitalization
"For years, Europe's medical workforce has faced a persistent crisis. Coming together, as the EJD - European Junior Doctors Association , we realize the similarities in the challenges we see in different countries and are taking responsibility to address them together. In collaboration with WHO Regional Office for Europe and our national members, we aim to build a united strategy and approach to navigate these pressing issues. We are committed to shaping a brighter, collaborative future for our healthcare professionals", said EJD Vice-President, Antanas Montvila.
"Junior Doctors play a critical role in bringing new ways of working and #innovation to the #healthsystem that will be critical to improve patient outcomes and efficiency. Health Systems have to value and create an environment that allow them to thrive", said Tomas Zapata, Unit Head, Health Workforce and Service Delivery, WHO European Region, World Health Organization.
The meeting was co-organized with WHO-Europe's Health Workforce and Service Delivery Unit to support the development of strategies designed to address these widespread issues.
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