General Assembly 2023 of European Federation of Salaried Doctors (FEMS)

EJD participated as observer at this year's FEMS General Assembly that was held in Palma de Mallorca, Spain in May 2023.
Represented by Alvaro Cerame, Medical Workforce Committee Chairperson, European Junior Doctors Association was actively involved in the discussions that took place among the participating representatives from all over Europe.
Photo above: Courtesy of FEMS.
Several countries reported similar problems: lack of doctors (particularly in rural and remote areas), strikes and collective bargaining changes. Overall, a picture of doctors' unrest was described across the different members and nations.
Based on some country reports, a heated debate on task shifting to nurses and paramedics took place. Another interesting aspect was the recent doctors' protests in Croatia demanding among other issues, to change junior doctors' contracts.
Photo above: Courtesy of FEMS.
Other important issues discussed were: Working Time and the EWTD, job satisfaction, part time work, privatisation of hospitals, burnout, workload, medical demography / feminization of medical profession, and doctors' salaries.
Photo above: Courtesy of FEMS.
EJD was invited to address the audience and Alvaro Cerame briefly presented our ongoing work on Medical Workforce and Burnout/Psychosocial wellbeing.
The next FEMS Meetings will be organized:
a) Autumn 2023 - 29-30 September 2023, Marseille, France
b) Spring 2024 – 5th Joint AEMH-FEMS GA, Berlin, Germany
Photo above: Courtesy of FEMS.
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